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In A Mellow Tone
Wednesday July 14th, 2021 with Bruce Walton
Ottawa & Montreal jazz artists, with a spotlight on Yannick Rieu.

Tonight, another great show prepared by David Fraser. You can listen to his two previous programs here:, and here: Once again, thanks David!
The Eyes Are Worth 1000 Words
Geggie Trio + Donnie McCaslin - Across The Sky (2000) Canadian
Groovin' At The Griswold
Chelsea Bridge - Blues In A Sharp Sea (1992) Canadian
A Lament For The Clear-cut Atlantic
Chelsea Bridge + - Double Feature (1995) Canadian
Early One Morning
Rob Frayne/Mark Eisenman - Skeezix One And Two (1998) Canadian
It Can't Happen Another Way
Billy Robinson - Doubt Dropping (1991) Canadian
A Short Turn To The Future
Billy Robinson - A Short Turn To The Future (1998) Canadian
ECV - Elias/Copland/Vedady - Sticks And Stones (2017) Canadian
end of the first hour. The second hour features music from tenor player Yannick Rieu, who has long been a prominent player in the
Montreal and Quebec jazz scene. The son of immigrants from France, he studied at conservatories in Rennes (France) and Quebec. He emerged in the 1980s playing in the bands of Vic Vogel and Jean Beaudet. Perhaps less well known in Canada outside Quebec, Rieu
has toured widely in China and France. His 1990 début recording, In the Myth, featured Montreal-born pianist Paul Bley as a guest on some tracks. In 2006 Yannick Rieu was awarded the Montreal jazz festival’s Prix Oscar Peterson.
Esquisse No. 2
Yannick Rieu Ensemble - In The Myth (1990) Canadian
Body & Soul
Yannick Rieu Ensemble - In The Myth Canadian
Yannick Rieu - Sweet Geom (1994) Canadian
Giant Steps
Yannick Rieu - What Is The Colour Of Love? (1995) Canadian
Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most
Yannick Rieu - Little Zab (1999) Canadian
Cap Horn: Force 8-9
Yannick Rieu - L'Art Du Trio (2013) Canadian
My Steps
Frank Lozano & Gentiane MG - Convergence (2020) Canadian
Furtive Thoughts
Frank Lozano & Gentiane MG - Convergence Canadian
'Round Midnight
Azar Lawrence & Al McLean - Frontiers (2016) Canadian
Interactive CKCU