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Both Kinds Of Music
Wednesday November 6th, 2013 with Dick Altavista with Guest Co-Host Rob Bennett
613 520-3920

Rock Hampster
Garaga - Garaga Canadian
Lisa Says
The Velvet Underground - 1969
Go to Toledo
Patrick Shanks - Live in Studio "A" Canadian New
Going play catch with Chris Anderson
Patrick Shanks - Live in Studio "A" Canadian New
Neighbourhood Girl
Patrick Shanks - Live in Studio "A" Canadian New
For The Baltimores
Patrick ShanksBob haughian - Live in Studio "A" Canadian New
The Oldest Genuine Virgin In the Canadian Army
Bob haughian - Pre-Release Canadian New
The Last Bombardier
The Bushpilots - Swerve Canadian
I Confess
The Mere Humans - Pre-Release Canadian New
Catch 22
The Appollohs - With An H Canadian New
Think I Found Love
Life-Size Men - Pre-Release Canadian New
What is the word
The Flaps - Again
Interactive CKCU
Love the Barracudas cover and LOVE the Flaps - Ottawa has some of the best instrumental bands in the world - The Flaps, The Empiricals, and Polaris before that and more - see my review of the Flaps on

2:26 PM, November 6th, 2013
Great show

2:32 PM, November 6th, 2013
IS it just me, or is the live stream out?

2:39 PM, November 6th, 2013
Not just you....

2:42 PM, November 6th, 2013
bobby m
yes,,,no signal online

3:16 PM, November 6th, 2013
Yo Dick, I donated online. I challenge anyone who has been in a band that I quit to match or better my donation of $25. They know who they are.....

3:17 PM, November 6th, 2013
Streaming is back up. Yay!

3:23 PM, November 6th, 2013
Comments on this playlist have closed.