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The Filibuster
Monday November 4th, 2019 with Brendan McLoughlin, Ben James, and Jonathan Falcone
with returning special guest Borya Fishman! Entrepreneur and Data Analyst

Its been almost a year since Borya has been on The Filibuster! Welcome him back for us in the interactive! Ask him a question! Visit our Facebook page!
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Interactive CKCU
I think that the coin has two sides to one every penny, just like it is the parents responsibility to teach the child and the Government Policy makers and the justice system to insure safety, in which in Canada it is a law, but being practice is a whole different topic, but it is really on both parties to insure safety from Predators

9:51 AM, November 4th, 2019
Brendan McLoughlin (host)
thank you for the comment Jessie!

9:56 AM, November 4th, 2019