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Thursday Early Blend
Thursday December 24th, 2015 with Tony Copple
Falling in love

Eros love
Today's program is about falling in love and how it turns your world upside down. We have gathered some thoughts from various sources, and interspersed them with some great love songs. Being in love is a way for the lucky ones to be fully alive for a while at least, and perhaps for a lifetime. The program also has an incarnation as a web site
Jimmy Nail - Tadpoles in a jar
I want to hold your hand
T.V. Carpio - Across the Universe
Why do you love me?
Adele - 25 New
There ain't no cure for love
Leonard Cohen - The Essential Leonard Cohen Canadian
The lady in red
Chris de Burgh - Into the light
The look of love
Diana Krall - The look of Love Canadian
Michael Buble - Michael Buble Canadian
Someone who cares
Peggy Lee - Born Norma Delores Egstrom from Jamestown
Janis Ian - Folk is the new Black
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
your program about falling in love was BEAUTIFUL — I loved the story about how you and L-A met and fell in love—like blind people—sight unseen! That story was a real inspiration to all. The Janis Ian song at the end of the show was simply beautiful and now I must go find it on iTunes.

10:52 AM, December 28th, 2015
Tony Copple (host)
I have now represented this program as a web site:

8:29 AM, December 29th, 2015
Mario Pronovost
Very touching, and inspiring Tony!

9:01 AM, December 31st, 2015
The program starts after the BBC News, 7:17 minutes in.

1:41 PM, January 16th, 2016