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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday January 16th, 2017 with Ralph Hopper
Simon Vincent, Paul Hauptmeier & Martin Recker, Julia Mihaly, Kai Niggemann, Inge Morgenroth, Amy Brandon, Tri Angular Bent, Steven M Miller, Alejandro Albornoz

None of the works today have been aired on Acoustic Frontiers previously
Falling Man, Rising Woman…Conclusion
Simon Vincent - Escape - DEGEM New
Another Shore
Paul Hauptmeier & Martin Recker - Escape - DEGEM New
Cozy new gastfeindlichkeit
Julia Mihaly - Escape - DEGEM New
Kai Niggemann - Escape - DEGEM New
Inge Morgenroth - Escape - DEGEM New
Artificial Light
Amy Brandon - scavenger Canadian New
Amy Brandon - scavenger Canadian New
War Games
Amy Brandon - scavenger Canadian New
Set 7
Tri Angular Bent - Tri Angular Bent
Points of Origin
Steven M Miller - Between Noise and Silence - Innova
Ciento Veinte Millones
Alejandro Albornoz - Fluctuaciones 2 - Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel
Interactive CKCU