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The Upstairs Neighbour
Wednesday November 19th, 2014 with Neal & Roch Parisien
The Iggy Pop Story Part 3

1981/03/22: "NO FUTURE NOW : The Iggy Pop Story : Bang, Bang. The most current chapter in the career of Iggy Pop takes us through the albums New Values, Soldier and Party." - Trans-FM magazine March 1982
Originally broadcast March 22, 1982
Iggy Pop Story - Part 3 - on No Future Now
Interactive CKCU
who's this moe you talk about

7:43 PM, November 19th, 2014
Neal Johnstone (host)
He's a local music collector/enthusiast, from way back who used to manage a record store in the late 80's up to the mid-90's.

7:12 AM, November 20th, 2014
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