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Canadian Spaces
Saturday August 15th, 2020 with Chris White
Lynn Miles, Allan Wigney, Emilyn Stam & John David Williams

Chris White and Allan Wigney talk with Lynn Miles about her beautiful brand-new album entitled "We'll Look For Stars" -- her 15th! The album debuted at #5 on the prestigious Euro Americana Chart. Purchase the album digitally at or, if you're in the Ottawa area, pick up the CD at Compact Music in the Glebe. Emilyn Stam and John David Williams talk about their new album, "Honeywood", and introduce some of the tunes. You can hear the music, order the album and order the tune book at Graphics for the album and the book are by Oksana Hawrylak.
Stone Solid Blue
Ana Miura - The Songs of William Hawkins Canadian
Leave the Light On
Chris Smither - Leave the Light On
Brave Parade
Shawna Caspi - Forest Fire Canadian
Sittin in the Kitchen
Bob Snider - Caterwaul & Doggerel Canadian
Shareholder's Reel
Maria Dunn - Piece By Piece Canadian
My Old Man
Ron Hynes - Get Back Change Canadian
The Oak and the Laurel
Allison Lupton - Fly Like Swallows Canadian
Till I'm Gone
David Ross Macdonald - Knuckled Brass and Bone Canadian
Once Upon a Railroad
Ian Tamblyn - The Body Needs to Travel Canadian
Brave Wings
Tannis Slimmon & Lewis Melville - . Canadian
Allan Wigney and Chris White chat with Lynn Miles. Her new album is 'We'll Look For Stars'. Her website is
We'll Look For Stars
Lynn Miles - We'll Look For Stars Canadian
Old Soul
Lynn Miles - We'll Look For Stars Canadian
She Drinks
Lynn Miles - We'll Look For Stars Canadian
Interview with Emilyn Stam and John David Williams. Their new album is "Honeywood". Their website is
After the Snow / Autumn in the Valley
Emilyn Stam and John David Williams - Honeywood Canadian New
Achter de Heylighe Steegh ...
Emilyn Stam and John David Williams - Honeywood Canadian New
Emilyn Stam and John David Williams - Honeywood Canadian New
Birch Bark Paper ...
Emilyn Stam and John David Williams - Honeywood Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
lookin good!

9:32 AM, August 15th, 2020
A Thomas
This music is superb. Thank you for bringing it to us Chris.

11:36 AM, August 15th, 2020