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Thursday March 11th, 2021 with Joe Reilly
Today we talk to Kyp Harness and listen to his new album Red Rover - and we talk about his non-fiction writing and his novels as well

Kyp Harness is one of my favourite singer-songwriters and over a career of some 27 years he has released 16 albums of gritty, intelligent bluesy-folky rock tunes that are intensely personal and frequently address socio-political issues and almost always look at life from the perspective of underdogs and overlooked folks. As we hear during this conversation with Kyp, many of the songs on his latest album Red Rover also speak of hope, perseverance and resilience - all traits evident in Kyp's dedication to his career as a hard-working independent artist. We talk to Kyp about working with Dale Morningstar and the other musicians who join him on Red Rover. We also talk about his writing as Kyp has written two non-fiction books about Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin and he has penned two novels including Wigford Rememberies which I just finished and highly recommend. The novel gives us a bigger picture of the hard-working and sometimes hard-living characters that populate some of Kyp's songs. Check out information abouty Kyp's novels and non-fiction books on his website: And you can listen to more of Kyp's music and purchase some of it on his Bandcamp site: Support independent artists like Kyp Harness. They need us to buy their great music so they can make more of it for us to enjoy. Take care and stay well.
Earthworm Melody
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Fire Hydrant
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Long Haul
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Dog Collar
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Terminal City
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Uphill Climb
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Red Rover
Kyp Harness - Red Rover - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian New
Low Dishonourable Men
Kyp Harness - Armageddon Blues - Indie (on Bandcamp) Canadian
Interactive CKCU
He is great! Thanks!

5:45 PM, March 11th, 2021
Joe Reilly (host)
Glad you're enjoying listening to Kyp. He really is a fantastic artist.

10:57 PM, March 11th, 2021