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Thursday May 28th, 2015 with Joe Reilly
Interviews with Socalled, Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart, Andy Shauf, Ben Kunder

Four artists in 60 minutes again.... whew! Socalled called late so I made a lot of bad jokes about "calling" etc. But we had a good chat about his music - working with Oliver Jones and trying to recreate the hip hop vibe in the live setting at the Black Sheep Inn on Friday, May 29th. Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart have released an awesome collaborative album that covers a lot of musical ground... we talk to Ben of Suuns about the album and what to expect when the music is presented at the Black Sheep Inn on June 11th. Check out the album... it's amazing. Andy Shauf is in at the National Arts Centre on Friday, May 29. His quiet introspective folk-pop songs often pack a big narrative whallop! We talk about singing old songs you don't connect with anymore and the process of creating songs that tell elaborate stories. Finally Ben Kunder talks about his debut solo album and his upcoming show at the Rainbow on Tuesday, June 2. He acknowledges his hommage to Bruce Springsteen on Half Moon and talks about creating music in the studio with John Dinsmore producing. Lots of great artists to choose from so get out and see some live music this week.
Dreamin' ft. Oliver Jones, Jordanna Singer and Narcy
Socalled - Peoplewatching Canadian New
Extra Ordinary
Socalled - Peoplewatching Canadian New
Curried Soul 2.0
Socalled - Peoplewatching Canadian New
Everyone Else Must Fail
Socalled - Peoplewatching Canadian New
In Touch
Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart - Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart Canadian New
Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart - Suuns and Jerusalem in My Heart Canadian New
The Man On Stage
Andy Shauf - The Bearer of Bad News Canadian New
My Dear Helen
Andy Shauf - The Bearer of Bad News Canadian New
Half Moon
Ben Kunder - Golden Canadian New
Against All Odds
Ben Kunder - Golden Canadian New
Interactive CKCU