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Hammer Smashed Radio
Tuesday February 25th, 2014 with Kat, Jay

Ressurect with A Vengeance
Hatesphere - The Great Bludgeoning
Alas, The Lord is Upon Me
Behemoth - Evangelion
Eat Lead
Mortor - Shoot 'em Up Canadian
Dead Forever
Sanctification - Black Reign
The Sound of your Smashed Head
F*cks the Facts - Stigmata High-Five Canadian
Garbage Can - 24 minutes of your life you will never get back Canadian
Taste the Posion
Napalm Death - Enemy of the Music Business
Pig Destroyer - Book Burner
Murder Construct - Murder Construct
The Chronophobes
Insurrection - Prototype Canadian
Neuraxis - Asylon Canadian
Slave Race
Fallujah - Leper Colony
Hittie Dung Incantaton
Nile - Those Whom the Gods Detest
Nephelium - Coils of Entropy Canadian