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Midday Magic
An hour of good music, tarot and personal anecdotes.
Hosted by: Yanjano Banda
Airs: Every Thursday from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Welcome to Midday Magic - A weekly music show where we focus on all things spiritual, esoteric and weird - all the while listening to great music along the way! Tune in for eccentric music, divination, occasional guests and interviews. Genres and topics vary, but eccentricity is always guaranteed โ€งโ‚Šหšโ™ช๐„žเฟโ‚ŠหšโŠน

Midday Magic

Date Host Highlight On Demand
Mar. 6, 2025 Yanjano Banda homotechno
Feb. 27, 2025 Yanjano Banda city killer comets and humming flying saucers
Feb. 20, 2025 Yanjano Banda Classical + Ambient soup for the soul
Feb. 6, 2025 Yanjano Banda Synthesizers and Divination via Celestial Bodies
Jan. 30, 2025 Yanjano Banda Jazz + Tarot


#thecupidwitch from The Cupid Witch

This may contain: a quote from the book, cast yourself you are the spell



existential, chaotic, and only a *little* pretentious - welcome to Midday Magic!

This may contain: an open notebook with drawings on it and pictures in the pages next to each other


Midday Magic is a weekly radio show where we focus on all things spiritual, esoteric and weird - all the while listening to great music along the way!

tune in for good music, divination, UFO reports, astrology, hot takes with zero research and more. genres and topics vary, but eccentricity is always guaranteed โ€งโ‚Šหšโ™ช๐„žเฟโ‚ŠหšโŠน 

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want to join the conversation, complain about my bad takes or get a free personalized tarot reading? follow @middaymagicshow on instagram for more, or send me an email @  !


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