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Cap City Blues
Thursday May 16th, 2024 with Laura Greenberg
Cap City Blues coming at you from London, England. Big thanks to Laura for putting this unique show together while on tour with Wicked Grin. Special guests Murray and Dave from Wicked Grin chat with Laura over a cup of "tea"

You can always interact with our hosts by sending us an email at: Feel free to leave a comment, we're not live in studio, but we do appreciate seeing your comments and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Fat City Blues (show theme)
Tony D. - Speak No Evil (A Flurry of Instrumentals) (2020) Canadian
Murder Creek
Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin - Murder Creek (2023) Canadian
Don't Follow Me Down
DB Cohen - Scratchcards and Wine (2023) Canadian
It Rains Forever
Matthew Chaffey - Hotel Texas (2024) Canadian New
Fly Fly Fly
Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin - Murder Creek (2023) Canadian
Please remember to support the artists featured on today's show. Give them a follow. Buy a song. Buy some merch!
Tony D.:
Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin:
DB Cohen:
Matthew Chaffey:
Interactive CKCU
DB Cohen
Enjoy that roast and green and pleasant Blighty Wicked Grin ! Thanks for the shout out x

8:43 AM, May 16th, 2024
Larry Dash (host)
Great show from across the pond Laura!!

2:11 PM, June 6th, 2024