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Easier Said Than Done
Wednesday January 17th, 2024 with Natalie Hall and Emelie Cowan
Sounds of the Universe: David C. Jackson on Simply Sound

This Wednesday we are continuing our conversation around listening with an interview from Carleton professor David C. Jackson. David teaches a class that is simply called…sound. We talked about the difference between sound vs noise, hearing vs listening and how sound art can be used for political engagement. You'll hear a lot of sounds that aren't good of the ears. Persistence is key. Listen and learn and headphone users beware.
Times Square
Max Newhaus -
Isabelle Noël - The Minutes (XVI International AIDS Conference) Canadian
Chris Watson - Intermission
Live at Tate Modern
Tony Conrad -
Occam River I
Éliane Radigue, Carol Robinson, Julia Eckhardt - Occam Ocean I
Fantasie for Horns I
Hildegard Westerkamp - Canadian
Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green
Interactive CKCU
Helen Silveira
This was an interesting, evocative and unique show- so many aspects of sound in our world and in our psyche!

1:17 PM, January 17th, 2024