Thursday May 16th, 2024 with WINGS Series Producer, Frieda Werden
Award Show: Building Peace in Kenya by Rescuing Youth
Diana Wanyonyi (left in attached photo), based in Mombasa, Kenya, has received WINGS' Katherine Davenport Award for hottest women's radio news story of our 2023 series year. This program, one of several of hers that could qualify for this prize, is titled Building Peace in Kenya by Rescuing Youth. It features organizer Mama Shamsa (right, in attached photo) and reformed youth criminal "Queen" (not shown). Other recent programs of Diana's that are well produced and "hot" include Intersex Law in Kenya; A Mother for Gays; HIV-affected Children and Their Mothers; and Kenyans Walk for Palestine. All can be searched for and listened to on our website wingsradio.org/wordpress.
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