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Thursday November 23rd, 2023 with WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden
Saunas and Finnish women's culture

Finnish scholar Kaarina Kailo's recent book Sauna - on the rich history of women and saunas in her country - reminded WINGS of this beautiful documentary, provided to WINGS by the now-defunct Euroquest series from Radio Netherlands. Dheera Sujan visits Finland and talks with women in all kinds of saunas. You really feel yourself there, and get an idea of how saunas have adapted to modern living in Finland and yet remain a major source of social cohesion, especially among women - perhaps accounting for the relatively high status and achievements of women in that country. (Kaarina's Sauna book is currently only available in Finnish, but her English translation will come out when she finds a publisher.) Keywords: Finland, women, family, culture, fitness, feminism, folkways, health.
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