Thursday November 2nd, 2023 with WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden
Ocean Ecocide and the campaign to stop it
The deep sea floor has become a highly contested region of the world. Mining companies are eager to scrape up something called "nodules" that contain various minerals in high demand. Deep sea explorers and other environmentally conscious people are terrified about what damage that could cause not only to the oceans and its inhabitants, but to the climate of the earth. One of the world's most knowledgeable persons about the ocean floor - and avid opponent of Deep Sea Mining - is longtime deep sea explorer Sylvia Earle. In June 2023, she appeared for a Fireside Chat with John Vermilye of Mission Blue, at the Explorers Club. Includes sound track of a short film for which Earle collaborated with famed cellist YoYo Ma. She gives important information about fish and farming.
Credits: https://www.stopecocide.earth/events/protecting-the-ocean-via-criminal-law-a-fireside-chat-with-sylvia-earle
Series editor, Frieda Werden
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