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Thursday June 15th, 2023 with WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden
Intersex Law in Kenya - Progress has happened

Darlan Rukih's mother tried to keep her child's intersex condition a secret, but eventually it came out. Darlan has become a famous gospel singer, and uses his [preferred pronoun] wealth to provide refuge for homeless and oppressed persons. He also speaks out on behalf of intersex people's rights, including the right to be accepted and loved. Due to intersex persecution, Kenya's High Court and now the government have been gradually working on best practices for accommodating intersex persons in schools, prisons, and medicine; also in families. A Children's Rights law passed in 2022 recognized the right to Intersex identity on birth documents. A national committee on intersex is promoting awareness and best practices, and proposing more changes in law. Interviews by Diana Wanyonyi; additional script by Frieda Werden. Topics: Family / Education | Politics and Activism | Society and Culture | Medicine | Mental Health | Governance / Law | Human Rights | Kenya | Schools
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