Thursday April 27th, 2023 with WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden
Feminist Radio in Mexico City - Community station Violeta Radio
Birgitte Jallov from Denmark is the Founding Director of EmpowerHouse, an organization she uses to promote and midwife community media projects in countries all over the world. She has just launched her own podcast series, titled Women on the Global Community Airwaves. Her guest on the debut episode was Maru Chavez, a founder and organizer of a unique feminist radio station. Violeta Radio can be heard at 106.1 FM in Mexico City, on several streaming apps including Radio Garden, and at violetaradio.org
Credits: Interview from empowerhouse.dk Podcast theme music is the UN Women song :"One Woman" Full song credits at https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/about-unwomen/un-women-song
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