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Thursday December 29th, 2022 with WINGS series producer, Frieda Werden
Virgin Births: The History and the Mystery

Virgin Births: The History and the Mystery featuring Marguerite Rigoglioso, founder of the Seven Sisters Mystery School, wrote her PhD dissertation on The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece, and later published three books. Jesus was not the only person whose genealogy includes a god, or at least no human male father. Frieda Werden interviews Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD, about her research into stories of miraculously-conceived persons, and her speculations about the ways in which highly trained women might really have been able to conceive through parthenogenesis (virgin birth). Credits: Interview recording and editing by Frieda Werden. Original interview first aired on CJSF-FM Keywords: religion, matriarchy, patriarchy, mythology, birth, yoga
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