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Songs For The Revolution
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 with Christophe Elie
Interview with Author John Gardiner

Today on Songs for the Revolution, I’ll be speaking with The Wallaceburg, Ontario short story writer John Gardiner. Gardiner draws on his life experiences, spent mainly in small towns in Southern Ontario, to write mainly about ordinary people living fairly ordinary lives. We talked about John's early life and influences and the importance of youth being empowered to share its views. John and I will be performing a unique show a week from today at the Avant Garde Bar where John will be reading from his latest publication called My Lefthanded, Backwards, Upsidedown Life and I'll be performing a number of my new songs including a new song called Columbia that I'm currently in the process of recording.
San Francisco (Flowers in your Hair)
Scott McKenzie -
Melancholy Man
Richard Knechtel -
Interactive CKCU
Thanks - John Gardiner - What a life!

8:25 AM, May 21st, 2024