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Songs For The Revolution
Tuesday May 16th, 2023 with Christophe Elie
Gordon Lightfoot Special Edition II

This week's Songs for the Revolution is focused on the life and songs of Gordon Lightfoot.
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Gordon Lightfoot - Summertime Dream Canadian
If You Could Read My Mind
Gordon Lightfoot - Sit Down Young Stranger Canadian
Gordon Lightfoot - Don Quixote Canadian
Pussy Willows Cattails
Gordon Lightfoot - Did She Mention My Name Canadian
Carefree Highway
Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Gord Lives!!!

7:51 AM, May 16th, 2023
Bobby Calzone
I think we should rename Canada Gordon Lightfoot. P.s. there will the tribute on Mike Regenstref 'show this aft

8:22 AM, May 16th, 2023
Bonjour BC!

8:24 AM, May 16th, 2023
I'll be humming these songs all day. Thank you!

8:29 AM, May 16th, 2023