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Songs For The Revolution
Tuesday January 31st, 2023 with Christophe Elie
War or Peace? Canada's Military Industrial Complex

Open Arms
Ruby Waters - Canadian
There's A War On
SG Sinnicks - Red Meat and Blue 88's Canadian
Listening Now
Pat Mayberry - Listening Now Canadian
Light In Me
Lynn Hanson - Canadian
Interactive CKCU

8:07 AM, January 31st, 2023
Christophe Elie (host)
Thanks for listening Hillbilly, greatly appreciated!!

9:59 AM, January 31st, 2023
I hav's now the "Military, Medical Complex"....forget author but seems Ottawa hospital...etc. main floors now loik like shopping centers....huge money pits.......while we wait.... Up the F'n Revolution!!! Pee Pee stole the best line though...."Everything is Broken!"....right line...wrong guy!!! ✊

1:10 PM, January 31st, 2023
Christophe Elie (host)
You're absolutely right about that hb, the Complex is expanding!! And yes the hospital is looking like a shopping mall and it's being built by a US Military Consulting firm - Parsons! And correct PP is right, but yes wrong guy!

11:36 AM, February 21st, 2023