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Songs For The Revolution
Tuesday December 27th, 2022 with Christophe Elie
Xmas by Candlelight - Jack's Parties

I love the holidays.. and love the Christmas music. I grew up with Bing Crosby's White Christmas, but like that album these holiday's to a big degree are a sort of social construct that we need to reconcile. I am not sure how that will happen, but I think the first step is an acknowledgement of it. Eniid's version of Joni Mitchell's song River is a song I always associate with Christmas coming on, I also often have spent time with friends during the holidays playing music. I feature a couple Xmas songs from an old recording from a band I was in Rock Stock and Barrel. This was a party for charity, a good friend Jack Courville through back in 2015 in Manotick. The last part of the show is a song I wrote this past week that I was inspired to write after hearing President Zelenskyy's speech to congress and thinking of all of the pain that everyone is facing in war torn countries. The song is called Xmas by Candlelight.
Two Feathers
Christophe Elie - Canadian
EniiD - A Celebration of Joni Mitchell Canadian
Please Come Home For Christmas
Charles Brown -
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
Johnny Marks -
Happy Christmas - War is Over
John Lennon - So this is Xmas
Christmas By Candlelight
Christophe Elie - Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
Hi Christophe Listening in from home. All the best of the season—whatever we celebrate. Let’s hope that 2023 will bring more peace, joy, live concerts and of course, more Songs For the Revolution! Thanks for all you do!

8:18 AM, December 27th, 2022
Shelley Ann Morris
Christmas By Candlelight—a beautiful, meaningful and timely song.

8:32 AM, December 27th, 2022
Thumbs up. Thanks for the additional candlelight in these times.

10:47 AM, December 27th, 2022
Nice Show, Christophe! Your songs always have meaning and insight!

11:31 AM, December 28th, 2022
Christophe Elie (host)
Hi Shelley Ann, thanks for listening in so much this year Shelley Ann, I so appreciate the support! I'm glad you like the song :) Hoping for more peace and joy and live concerts! I wish you a wonderful 2023 Shelley Ann!!

3:56 PM, January 3rd, 2023
Christophe Elie (host)
Thanks Sian for listening in! Best wishes in the new year!!

3:57 PM, January 3rd, 2023
Christophe Elie (host)
Thanks for the kind words Romani, I appreciate you listening in. Happy New Year! SHCF!!!

3:59 PM, January 3rd, 2023