hillbilly Congrats on # 25!!!
Need all the Revolution efforts we can get...so far Hard Right gaining....far as i can see...PeePoll!
Thanks for the work!
8:08 AM, August 9th, 2022
Shelley Ann Morris Hi Christophe, Working from home today and tuned in. Congratulations on 25 episodes! I always come away from listening to your show having learned something. You are using this platform wisely and well—very much appreciated.
8:19 AM, August 9th, 2022
Shelley Ann Morris I too have spent time in Lake George in the summer—a beautiful part of the world. Good to know about its history. Thank you,
Congrats on # 25!!! Need all the Revolution efforts we can get...so far Hard Right gaining....far as i can see...PeePoll! Thanks for the work! ✊
8:08 AM, August 9th, 2022