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Songs For The Revolution
Tuesday March 1st, 2022 with Christophe Elie
Remington / Ukraine

We're talking guns, the Remington Sandy Hook settlement and Ukraine. Jon Brooks, Pussy Riot and Dakhabrakha.
Manic Depression
Cecile Doo Kingue - Anybody Listening : Dialogues Pt. 2
Gun Dealer
Jon Brooks - The Smiling Countryside Canadian
Punk Prayer
Christophe Elie - Bridging Borders Canadian
Highway 105
John Allaire - Up Hill ... Both Ways Canadian
Dakhabrakha -
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
Good Morning Christophe, Listening in 'at work' (at home). Great show--congratulations! So glad you now have your own space on CKCU's program grid!

8:13 AM, March 1st, 2022
Jeff Larocque
Get back to work Shelley Ann!

8:16 AM, March 1st, 2022
Chris White
Awesome show, Christophe – congrats. Wow, you packed a lot into the time available!

8:28 AM, March 1st, 2022
Shelley Ann Morris
Yes indeed, that's quite a hike to the new location of TOH Civic Campus--not everyone can walk that far. Haha Jeff--I AM working--miss you and all the other CKCU hosts! Hope you are well. So good to hear Christophe on his own show!!!

8:28 AM, March 1st, 2022
Thanks for tuning in Shelley Ann, much appreciated! So nice to hear from you :) And you too Jeff! It’s nice to have joined the CKCU crew of many DJ’s who have shared their voice to support community through this great university radio station! Oh and so nice to hear you now Shelley Ann joining Jason on his show!!

8:38 AM, March 1st, 2022
Thank you Chris!! I appreciate you listening and thanks again for your help getting on the air. I appreciate the kind words!

8:41 AM, March 1st, 2022
Thanks for listening Jeff!!

8:42 AM, March 1st, 2022
Jeff Larocque
I gotta get me some Cecile Doo Kingue in my library!

8:49 AM, March 1st, 2022
Cecile is one awesome guitarist and very engaged artist!!

9:05 AM, March 1st, 2022