Hosted by: Eli
This program is not currently airing on CKCU.
Selected Highlights from CKCU's long running Live in the Studio music program "Ottawa Live Music". Bands would come to the 5th floor of the Unicentre at Carleton U for a chance to play live on the Radio.. Expect to hear the best live moments from some of Ottawa's greatest bands, live off the floor, no overdubs! OLM Revisited is edited, assembled and hosted by Elijah Sliwa
OLM Revisited
Selected Highlights from CKCU's long running Live in the Studio music program "Ottawa Live Music". Bands would come to the 5th floor of the Unicentre at Carleton U for a chance to play live on the Radio. Expect to hear some of the best live moments from some of Ottawa's greatest bands, live off the floor, no overdubs! OLM Revisited is edited, assembled and hosted by CKCU program assistant Elijah Sliwa, but you can expect to hear some of the hi-jinx and banter between the bands members and hosts from back at the time as well!
Hosting and production crew for those past episodes include a team of dedicated CKCU volunteers working hard to get the bands to air that included Phil Bennett, Colin Boudreault, Candace Nelson, Richard Parks, Emily Baxter, John Peippo, Zach Baird, David Aardvark.... but the grand prize w/o question certainly goes to all those hard working, local musicians who dragged all their gear to CKCU, setted up and sweated it out in Studio A and/or B. We are grateful for their performances!
If you want a deeper dive you can still hear some of the original episodes in our archive, follow/click HERE
OLM theme song is by local band Polaris (R.I.P.) - "Danger Girl" from this album: https://youtu.be/McCMAaSj-r0