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Canada's Cool Culture
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 with Muddy Watters, Mr. Cool, Rock n Roll Bot
Canada's Cool Culture Radio Ride Series

Canada's Cool Culture Radio Ride Series! Featuring: Holobody, Maxime., Pedal Generic, La Securite, Karma Glider, Blvd Noir, 36?, Islands, Yves Jarvis, Thunderclap!, Bernice & Panteen, Zeus, Heaven For Real, Mr. Power, Scorpion King, and Boyhood! Also special jams by Kid Koala and Ryan Bourne!
Let's Go
Kid Koala - Creatures Of The Late Afternoon Canadian
Hi Power
Holobody - Cycler Canadian
Mint Condition (Good as New)
Maxime. - Mile End (Kiss Ur Friends) Canadian
Let's Gamble
Pedal Generic - Pedagogy Canadian
La Sécurité - Stay Safe Canadian
In Deep Ocean
Karma Glider - In Deep Ocean Canadian
Babysteps Millionaires
Blvd Noir - Santé Canadian
Always wandering
36? - Always Wandering Canadian
Life's A Joke
Islands - And That's Why Dolphin's Lost Their Legs Canadian
Yves Jarvis - The Zug Canadian
An Unauthorized Interview
Thunderclap! - Strange Songs For Strange Times Canadian
Little Miss Timmy
Bernice, Panteen - Cruisin' Canadian
Zeus - Credo Canadian
Energy Bar
Heaven for Real - Energy Bar Canadian
Outsiders Ball
Mr. Power - Light My Cigarette Off The sun Canadian
Scorpion King - S.O.S. Canadian
Boyhood - My Dread Canadian
Dream Club
Ryan Bourne - Plant City Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Muddy Watters (host)
You are so COOL! Thanks for listening!

8:07 PM, October 25th, 2023

8:24 PM, October 25th, 2023
Muddy Watters (host)
Thanks for tuning in hillbilly! stay COOL!

8:27 PM, October 25th, 2023