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Canada's Cool Culture
Wednesday July 5th, 2023 with Muddy Watters

A tribute to the HILOTRONS and the LONELY CINEMA series! In celebration of the HILOTRONS' latest release 'Lonely Cinema - Omission of Sin'! Michael Dubue, the mastermind behind the HILOTRONS, discusses his latest epic musical fantasia, along with the other previous releases that compose the 4 part Lonely Cinema series. Hilotrons music: .... Canada's Cool Culture webpage:
Orgy of Crime
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Hôtel Expérimental
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Subtle Siren Song
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Lu's Lab
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
The Sumnambulist
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Mother Forever
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Theme From Lonely Cinema
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema II Canadian
Splatter Romance In Outer Space
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema Canadian
Suicide Kingdom
HILOTRONS - Suicide Kingdom EP Canadian
End Of Star Eyes
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema II Canadian
Omission Of Sin
HILOTRONS - Lonely Cinema - Omission Of Sin Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Muddy Watters (host)
You are so COOL! Thanks for listening!

8:03 PM, July 5th, 2023
Hoo hah! Listening...

8:06 PM, July 5th, 2023