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Mapped Out Radio
Friday July 12th, 2024 with Amber Long
Inclusivity and diversity in the scene

Amber Long digs deep in this episode of Mapped Out Radio on CKCU about inclusivity and diversity in the scene.
Amber Long digs deep in this episode of Mapped Out Radio on CKCU about inclusivity and diversity in the scene.

The electronic music community thrives on diversity, encompassing artists of all genders whose contributions enrich the genre's landscape. Progress has undoubtedly been made in recent years towards inclusivity, yet ongoing dialogue remains crucial. It's essential to continually spotlight and celebrate artists from diverse backgrounds, ensuring equal opportunities and representation. By embracing all genders within the electronic music scene, we not only foster creativity but also cultivate a community that reflects the richness and depth of human expression. Embracing inclusivity not only enhances artistic innovation but also strengthens the bonds within the community, promoting a more vibrant and dynamic musical culture for all to enjoy and participate in.
Mix by Amber Long
Interactive CKCU

11:31 AM, July 12th, 2024
Jordan David (host)
Thanks for tuning in!

11:32 AM, July 12th, 2024
That was an eye-opening interview!

11:59 AM, July 12th, 2024
Hey everybody, how’s everybody doing this afternoon? Respect.

12:44 PM, July 12th, 2024
Thanks to everyone for listening!

1:21 PM, July 14th, 2024
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