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Attic Thoughts
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 with Dick Altavista
Doug Sahm Covers, Pop Rawk(including new The Wesleys) and Roots Rawk(including new James Leclaire and Maggie’s Wake).

Doug Sahm Covers, Pop Rawk(including new The Wesleys) and Roots Rawk(including new James Leclaire and Maggie’s Wake).
Theme From Attic Thoughts
Dick Altavista & His Smilin’ Eyes - Attic Thoughts Canadian
I Don’t Want To Go Home
The Bottle Rockets - Songs Of Sahm - Bloodshot
Mendocino/Dynamite Woman
Billy Bacon & The Forbidden Pigs - Pig Latin
I’ve Been Waiting
The Wesleys - The Wesleys - Little Village Records Canadian New
Girl At The Bus Stop
BMX Bandits - Someone To Share My Life With - The Beautiful Music
I’m Building A Scarecrow
Hollow Horse - Leaving Without Saying Goodbye - Tortoise Records
I Should Have Looked Away
Maria McKee - La Vita Nuova
The Ballad Of El Goddo
Sparkle Jets UK - Big Stir Singles: The Fourth Wave - Big Stir
James Leclaire - Single Canadian New
America’s Favorite Pastime
Todd Snider - Crank It, We’re Doomed - Aimless Records
All Night Depanneur
Grievous Angels - Summer Before The Storm Canadian
Maggie’s Wake - Maggie’s Wake Canadian New
Farewell, Farewell
Martin Carthy & Maddy Prior - Beat The Retreat
Les Flammes D’enfer
Richard Thompson - Evangeline Made
Beausoliel - Beat The Retreat
Down Where The Drunkards Roll
Los Lobos - Beat The Retreat
Interactive CKCU

11:01 PM, April 30th, 2024
Dick Alta Vista (host)
Hey HB. Enjoy!

11:26 PM, April 30th, 2024
Great show Dick, the Sparkle Jets UK and Bottle Rockets covers are great. Thanks also for all your support!

9:35 AM, July 18th, 2024