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Monday September 26th, 2022 with Dimitri and Markus
We remember the life of Gordon Kirchin from Piledriver and the Exalted Piledriver

Gordon Kirchin passed at a way too young age of 60
Human Sacrifice
Piledriver - Metal Inquisition Canadian
Witch Hunt
Piledriver - Metal Inquisition Canadian
Pile Driver
Piledriver - Metal Inquisition Canadian
Metal Death Racer
Piledriver - Stay Ugly Canadian
The Executioner
Piledriver - Stay Ugly Canadian
The Incubus
Piledriver - Stay Ugly Canadian
Metal Manifesto
Piledriver - NIght of the Unpolished Turd Canadian
The Fire God
Piledriver - Stay Ugly Canadian
Battle Axe
The Exalted Piledriver - Metal Manifesto Canadian
Piledriver - Stay Ugly Canadian
Interactive CKCU