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Monday March 11th, 2019 with Dimitri
Interview with Henkka from Children of Bodom!! And lots of great metal tunes! Yeaahhhh!!!

Hecate's Nightmare
Children of Bodom - Hexed New
Turn in Your Grave
Sacrifice - Torment in Fire Canadian
The Saw
Wolfheart - Constellation of the Black Light
Power Unsurpassed
Warbringer - Power Unsurpassed
Fear of the Living Dead
Grave Digger - The Living Dead
Welcome to the Garden State
Overkill - The Wings of War New
Call My Name
In Flames - I, The Mask
The Way
Norilsk - Weepers of the Land
Toute la noirceur du monde
Norilsk - Weepers of the Land
Interactive CKCU