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Monday February 5th, 2018 with Markus & Dimitris
Jay & Adam from Accursed Spawn on the phone talking about their gig Feb 10/18 with Mangler, Crosstitution and Torturer over at Cafe Deckuf

Heavy Metal Wolves
Mangler - Dimensions Of Terror Canadian
Dimensions of Terror
Mangler - Dimensions Of Terror Canadian
Accursed Spawn - Burned into Sterility Canadian
Crosstitution - The MetaStatic Distortion Canadian
Freedom of Pi$$
Crosstitution - The MetaStatic Distortion Canadian
Call of Madness
Torturer - Torturer Canadian
Living Dead
Torturer - Torturer Canadian
Pride in Prejudice
Slayer - Repentless
Interactive CKCU
could've given you boys a ride to work on my Harley Pedelson (little red scooter) or my wheelchair, but neither work in the snow, giggle.:)

11:28 PM, February 12th, 2018