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Monday February 8th, 2016 with Dimitris & Markus

SOCAN week so it's a lot of CAN CON METAL. Enjoy this beauty of a show!!!
Metal on Metal
Anvil - Metal on Metal Canadian
anthropomorphic digestion
AbouT:BlanK - AbouT:BlanK Canadian New
Obscuratism and Eulogies
AbouT:BlanK - AbouT:BlanK Canadian New
Everywhere Yet Nowhere
Fuck the Facts - Desire will Rot - Noise Salvation Canadian New
Infernal Gateway
Deformatory - Malediction Canadian New
Insurrection - Prototype Canadian
False Hope
Fuck the Facts - Desire will Rot - Noise Salvation Canadian New
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Fumigation - "Comeback" EP Canadian
Interactive CKCU