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Wednesday August 21st, 2024 with Carolyn, host of Always for Animal Rights
Re-broadcast: Part Two of my third interview with Ronnie Lee covers the role of anti-vivisection within the animal rights movement, the three most prevalent forms of animal oppression worldwide, & how advocates can interact with the mainstream media.

On the airwaves this week, we'll be listening to Part Two of my third interview with Ronnie Lee. You can hear the entire episode by clicking on "Listen Now" above! Here is the description for the entire episode. *** This week, I am pleased to present my third interview with the long-time animal liberation activist Ronnie Lee. Ronnie has been a vegan for more than five decades and is best known for co-founding the Animal Liberation Front in the 1970’s. Currently he works to educate the public about the importance of becoming vegan. He also encourages vegans to become more involved in vegan education initiatives, in order to work towards the abolition of the exploitation and oppression of our fellow animals. In this interview, Ronnie describes what it was like trying to obtain vegan-friendly food in the 1970’s. Then we discuss why war, environmental destruction, and human rights violations are not in alignment with the vegan ethic; why it’s important to challenge speciesism and human supremacism, rather than focusing primarily on cruelty; and how we can more effectively interact with the mainstream media. Ronnie also speaks about the role of anti-vivisection campaigning within the animal rights movement over the years, and he shares his views on celebrity culture within the vegan community.
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