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Wednesday May 1st, 2024 with Carolyn
Re-broadcast: Today we'll hear a few audio clips: first, Gary Francione speaks about the importance of reading to inform our activism; then Lee Hall offers advice on creating vegan guides and describes the limitations of environmental law.

On the show today, we heard a few audio clips. First, we heard an excerpt from a 2013 episode of Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden. In this clip, Gary Francione, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Rutgers University in New Jersey, speaks about the importance of reading academic theory to better inform our activism. Gary Francione has been a vegan since 1982 and is well-known for having developed the Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights. He is the author or co-author of many books about animal rights theory, advocacy, and veganism. Gary's books: Last year, I interviewed the vegan author, public speaker, and law expert Lee Hall on my show. Lee Hall has been a vegan since 1983 and is the author of On Their Own Terms: Animal Liberation for the 21st Century. An abridged, narrated audio version of this book is available to listen to for free on Lee’s Patreon page. On air today, we heard The Second Appendix to the book. This section offers Lee’s advice on creating vegan guides and leaflets. Lee Hall's Patreon: We also heard the narrated audio version of one of Lee’s articles that was published on Counterpunch earlier this year:
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