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Wednesday October 11th, 2023 with Carolyn Harris
This week, Jeremy Hess and Roger Yates discuss the history, values, and politics of veganism and the animal rights movement.

This week, I am pleased to present an abridged version of an interview that was conducted by the animal rights advocate Jeremy Hess in 2019 at a vegan festival in London, England. Jeremy spoke with the sociologist and long-time vegan advocate Roger Yates, who is the lead organizer of the Vegan Information Project in Ireland. In this interview, Jeremy and Roger discuss the history, values, and politics of veganism and the animal rights movement. Since this interview was recorded in 2019, Jeremy and his partner Nisha co-founded Respect Animal Sanctuary in the United States. Both Jeremy and Roger have been guests on my show multiple times.
Revolucion Vegana
Chucho Merchan -