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Wednesday July 19th, 2023 with Carolyn Harris
This week, we'll be listening to a talk that was given by the vegan sociologist David Nibert at the World Vegan Summit & Expo in 2016. The talk is titled, "From Genghis Khan to Wall Street: Oppression of Other Animals, War, and Capitalism".

This week, we’ll be listening to a talk by the long-time activist, sociologist, university professor, and author David Nibert. David presented this talk, which is titled, “From Genghis Khan to Wall Street: Oppression of Other Animals, War, and Capitalism”, at the World Vegan Summit & Expo in 2016. In the speech, David mentioned one of his books, Animal Oppression and Human Violence: Domesecration, Capitalism, and Global Conflict, which was published in 2013. You can learn more about that book on the publisher's website:
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