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Wednesday July 21st, 2021 with Carolyn Harris
This week, Marieke Griffioen, founder of VEGNL, joins me on the show to discuss abolitionist vegan advocacy in the Netherlands.

This week, I am pleased to present my interview with the abolitionist vegan advocate Marieke Griffioen. Marieke is the founder of VEGNL, a vegan education group based in the Netherlands. In this interview, Marieke tells me about what led her to become vegan and learn about the Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights. She describes the current state of veganism and animal advocacy in the Netherlands, and she tells me about her abolitionist vegan advocacy, how we can educate others about veganism in a nonviolent way, and what would happen if all vegans abandoned single-issue campaigning and welfare reforms and instead started promoting an unequivocal vegan message. We also discuss what Marieke found when she came across a dairy farm while on a walk. The Always for Animal Rights blog can be found at
How Do I Go Vegan
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4:59 PM, July 21st, 2021