Wednesday February 24th, 2021 with Carolyn
This week we'll hear Part Two of my interview with the abolitionist vegan Gülce Özen Gürkan. On this episode, Gülce tells me about her music to promote animal rights, how veganism has the power to change the world, and what her plans are for 2021.
You can listen to the entire interview at https://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/553/50467.html. :)
At the end of the show we'll hear Gülce's song "Vegan Ol", which translates from Turkish to English as "Go Vegan".
Abolitionist Approach: https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/about/the-six-principles-of-the-abolitionist-approach-to-animal-rights/
Gülce's music: https://soundcloud.com/gulce
Abolisyonist Vegan Hareket (Abolitionist Vegan Movement in Turkey): https://www.facebook.com/abolisyonistvegan
Always for Animal Rights blog: https://alwaysforanimalrights.blogspot.com/
Vegan Ol Gülce Özen Gürkan - |