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Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 with Carolyn
This first episode of Always for Animal Rights will feature an interview with Sorin and Alyssa, two of the co-founders of Vegan Option Canada.

Welcome to the first episode of Always for Animal Rights! This episode will feature an interview with Sorin and Alyssa, two of the co-founders of Vegan Option Canada. As mentioned on Vegan Option Canada's website, "Vegan Option Canada (VOC) is a nationwide grassroots political activism organization that aims to ensure vegan options are available in a variety of areas, particularly vegan food options. Its founding principles are horizontality, decentralization of power, and a pragmatic approach based on the values of compassion and non-violence." You can learn more about Vegan Option Canada and get involved by visiting This episode will also include an animal rights news segment. AFAR's theme song comes from the song "I am Vegan Hear Me Roar" by Vegan Smythe. You can listen to the whole song at
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