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Emotional Rescue Show
Monday January 28th, 2019 with Mads and Laur
Episode one: Nostalgia

Welcome to the first episode of the Emotional Rescue Show! This week we explore the feeling of nostalgia, which makes for an interesting playlist. Instead of choosing oldies that are personally nostalgic for us, we chose a mix of mostly newer songs that deal with nostalgia as a theme. A lot of them deal with nostalgia for teenage years. We also chat with Paul of Paul's Vintage about working in the business of nostalgia. Bear with us through a few technical bleeps, bloops, and pauses - it’s our first show!
Memories Can't Wait
Talking Heads - Fear of Music
Old Friend
Mitski - Be the Cowboy
Teenage Talk
St. Vincent - Single
Luna Li - Opal Angel Canadian
Our Way to Fall
Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out
Change of Heart
TOPS - Picture You Staring Canadian
Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow New
Every Part of Me
Sam Roberts - Born In A Flame Canadian
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