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Chain Reaction
Thursday October 4th, 2018 with Mad Max
A sequence of songs directly linked together by way of personal relationships between the artists performing the songs.

This edition of Chain Reaction is composed of almost all local performers, all of whom are Canadian.
Tear Stained Shadows
Howie Hooper - The Art Of Procrastination Canadian
This Dance Is Ours
Dean Batstone - Unbroken Canadian
Cricket Song
Calere Boudreau - Snow Angel Canadian
Chain Reaction link for the above songs and artists; all performed on the same day and appeared on the same stage together.
Bacporch Dave - The Highway Canadian
Hired Man
Jim Robinson - Sounds Like Down Home Canadian
Stand My Ground
Howie Hooper - The Art Of Procrastination Canadian
Howie & Dave were regular attendees and often performed at "Tunes Afternoon" hosted by Greg Kelly. Jim Robinson was a special guest performer with Dave and Howie performing during the following open mic.
Dean Batstone - Broken Canadian
Lone Pine Standing
Pat Moore - North To Ontario Canadian
Carry Me Home
Lynne Hanson - Carry Me Home Canadian
Dean Batstone and Howie Hooper have meet and performed on the same stage in Ottawa, along with Pat Moore.
Kristine St. Pierre - Call Me Crazy Canadian
Small Town
Julie Corrigan - The Language Canadian
Pat Moore, Lynne Hanson, Kristine St. Pierre and Julie Corrigan performed songs at the Christmas GOOSE event and appear on the compilation CD.
I am wrapping up with a sequence of songs from an album, titled Blossington, released by Derek Harrison in December 2017. Derek performed live in Ottawa, at the Black Irish Pub the spring of 2018, which links him to the previous artists.
A Fool Is A Fool
Derek Harrison - Blossington Canadian
I'm A Coward
Derek Harrison - Blossington Canadian
Sight From Sound
Derek Harrison - Blossington Canadian
Grass Green Sea
Derek Harrison - Blossington Canadian
Interactive CKCU