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Minding The Brain
Tuesday October 8th, 2024 with Kim Hellemans & Jim Davies
Moral Goodness Psychology with Matt Coleman

Jim interviews Matt Coleman of Giving Multiplier, a website that provides evidence-based recommendations to help people give to the most effective charities. They discuss the importance of giving to the most effective charities, the paradox of how our emotional responses to giving don’t tend to scale with the impact of our giving, why we should care about people in the future and much more.
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Interactive CKCU
Check your Sponsor button up top. Going COMMERCIAL is a bad idea! put a "Tip Jar" on each show page so we can give " emotionally" to a show we like...$5 a time adds up over 52 weeks! I know you'll say we can now but its gotta be easier,more visible & hosts push it to get us used to it.... I been pushing this idea for a while....

3:33 PM, October 8th, 2024