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The Witching Hours
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 with Kanaska Carter
Guests: Nicole Smith-Holt talks about the death of her son Alec who was forced to ration his insulin due to soaring costs of prescription medicine. Chantille Brake's ghost sighting. Patrick Alan from The Haunted Side is a paranormal investigator.

Million Man March
Lowkey - single
DIAMANTE - single
Ghost Song
The Doors - single
Paranormal Documentary
Encounters - documentary
Muladhara (root)
Galactivators - single
Don Philips - Sirius Disclosure
Technology from Extraterrestrials - documentary
The Clash - album
Season 4 Episode 21
Unsolved Mysteries with Dennis Farina, - video clip
Campfire Light
Ian Tamblyn - single Canadian
Plan Of Attack
TruthNow - single
Nature's Path
Bernie Leroux - Empty Sounds Canadian
Empty Sounds
Bernie Leroux - Empty Sounds Canadian
Magic To Me
Kanaska Carter - Drive Me Home Canadian
Silverchair - Frog Stomp
Summertime In The Void
I Mother Earth - single Canadian
Kitty - single Canadian
Never There
Cake - single
Your Woman
White Town - single
Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money in my Hand
Primitive Radio Gods - single
I Love You Always Forever
Donna Lewis - single
Interactive CKCU
Elorious Cain
It is so terribly cold out there and the downtown streets are crowded with snow removal trucks and equipment that I ended up jumping into a cab to go to work. The cab driver asked about CKCU and I introduced him to The Witching Hours. Although all we heard at that time was Clash music, he was very excited about the show's subject matter. He kept saying "I can't believe somebody on the radio talks about the supernatural stuff!" He's going to be listening and regularly!

5:06 AM, January 22nd, 2019
Kanaska Carter (host)
Thank you Elorious. :) This is the last album my friend bought before he took his own life last week so I'm playing it in his honor. We had a lot of paranormal topics and interviews for the first 2/3's of the show! :D Thanks for introducing my show to him. You rock.

5:14 AM, January 22nd, 2019
Elorious Cain
Your show's popularity is very tangible!: it is at no.10 on the 2018 CKCU Top Shows Heard on Demand! That is very impressive for an over-nighter!

5:28 AM, January 22nd, 2019
helping my midnight shift go faster

5:49 AM, January 22nd, 2019
Kanaska Carter (host)
Thank you Elorious! Thanks for reaching out Shell. Appreciate you tuning into my show. :)

6:03 AM, January 22nd, 2019
Evelyn Rubia
Alwsys enjoy your show when I can

10:10 AM, January 22nd, 2019