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China Album
Monday April 8th, 2024 with SugarZero

听众朋友,大家好,欢迎今日的《中国之声》。 🎉 今天,节目将为大家介绍一部备受瞩目的电影,《热辣滚烫》。这部由贾玲自导自演的喜剧电影,于2024年2月10日在大陆上映。故事情节围绕着主人公杜乐莹(贾玲饰)的人生转折展开,通过学习拳击,她从一个宅家长达十年的社交封闭者,逐渐变成了一个勇敢、坚定的拳击手,彻底实现了“热辣滚烫”的人生转变. 💪🥊 这部电影的英文片名“YOLO”是“You Only Live Once”(你只活一次)的缩写,彰显了主人公在人生中勇敢追求梦想的精神. 💫 贾玲为了角色先增重40斤,然后成功减掉了100斤,并且练成了拳击手的样子,她的努力与奋斗精神也引发了网民的广泛讨论. 《热辣滚烫》上映后在票房上取得了巨大成功,仅在春节档期就突破了26.08亿的票房,超过了其他同期上映的影片,《热辣滚烫》的成功也引发了对拳击运动的关注热潮,许多人开始关注拳击相关的信息和活动. 而在接下来的节目中,我们将为大家带来《热辣滚烫》的原声音乐,让大家再次感受电影中的情感共鸣。今天我们将播放的歌曲包括:“一切都来得及”、“藏星”、“猜”、“只为自己开的花”、“热辣滚烫”以及“小美满”. 让我们一起沉浸在音乐的海洋中,感受电影带给我们的情感共鸣吧! 谢谢大家收听今日的节目,《中国之声将会继续为您带来更多精彩内容。祝您度过愉快的一天! 🎶 #热辣滚烫 #贾玲拳击之路 #中国之声OST #电影原声带欣赏 #拳击运动热潮 #电影音乐分享 #贾玲励志故事 #中国电影票房纪录 #音乐治愈心灵 🎬🎵 Hello, dear listeners! Welcome to today's edition of "ChinaAlbum." 🎉 Today, we're going to introduce you to a highly anticipated film, "YOLO." This comedy film, directed and starring Jia Ling, was released in mainland China on February 10, 2024. The story revolves around the protagonist, Du Leying (played by Jia Ling), and her transformative journey. Through learning boxing, she transitions from a recluse who has spent ten years shut off from society to a brave and determined boxer, fully realizing the "YOLO" transformation in her life. 💪🥊 The English title of this film, "YOLO," stands for "You Only Live Once," showcasing the protagonist's courageous pursuit of dreams. Jia Ling underwent a remarkable physical transformation for her role, gaining 40 kilograms before successfully losing 100 kilograms to portray a boxer. Her dedication and resilience sparked widespread discussion among netizens. "YOLO" enjoyed tremendous success at the box office, breaking records during the Chinese New Year period with over 2.608 billion yuan in revenue. Its success ignited a surge of interest in boxing, with many people beginning to pay attention to boxing-related information and activities. In the upcoming segment of our show, we'll be treating you to the original soundtrack of "YOLO," allowing you to once again feel the emotional resonance of the film. Today, we'll be playing songs such as "Everything Is Possible," "Hidden Star," "Guess," "Flowers Bloom Only for Oneself," "YOLO," and "Small Satisfaction." Let's immerse ourselves in the ocean of music and feel the emotional resonance that the film brings us! Thank you for tuning in to today's program. "ChinaAlbum" will continue to bring you more exciting content. Wishing you a pleasant day! 🎶 #YOLO #JiaLingBoxingJourney #ChinaAlbumOST #MovieSoundtrackAppreciation #BoxingTrend #MovieMusicSharing #JiaLingInspiringStory #ChineseMovieBoxOfficeRecord #MusicHealsTheSoul 🎬🎵
贾玲 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New
汪苏泷 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New

希林娜依·高 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New
大张伟 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New
希林娜依·高 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New
周深 - 热辣滚烫YOLOOST合辑 New
On Your Knees
Vicki Lovelee - Canadian
Timber A Chill Mix
Koala Kontrol - - Sound Effects
Latin Lovers
Quincas Moreira - - Sound Effects
枫林晓 - - Sound Effects
枫林晓 - - Sound Effects
Interactive CKCU