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China Album
Monday November 8th, 2021 with SugarZero
Youth Periplous (Season 3 is back!) & CKCU 2021 Funding Drive is ongoing!

今年CKCU 迎来了第 46 个年头,开启了电台历史的新篇章。在我们即将迎来重要的 50 周年之际,我们正处于激动人心的战略转型时期。 CKCU 是一家注册慈善机构,由像您这样的捐助者、卡尔顿大学学生和社区成员以及计划赞助商提供支持。CKCU 及本节目China Album中国之声一直致力于将多元文化元素融入渥太华社会,并增进民众之间的相互了解。现在中国之声需要你的帮助。 我们目前正在为 CKCU 进行 2021 年的筹资活动。以下是为中国之声做出捐助的三种方式: 1. 您可以通过 Canada Helps 在线支付, 2. 也可以亲自使用现金或支票支付。 *详细信息请访问 CKCUFM.COM/donate 进行操作与查询 3. 您也可以拨打我们的座机电话 613-520-3920 与电台联系。 当您进行捐赠时,请记得提及您是向“China Album”团队捐款。 最后,我们衷心感谢您帮助我们实现 2021 年筹资活动目标。 With CKCU being in its 46th year, we are beginning a new chapter in the station's history. As we approach our momentous 50th anniversary, we are in the midst of an exciting period of strategic transition. CKCU is a Registered Charity supported by Donors like you, Carleton University students and community members, and Program Sponsorships. CKCU and its China album have been dedicated to blending multi-cultural components into Ottawa society and improving mutual understanding amongst populations. And now China Album needs your help. We are currently doing a funding drive for 2021 for CKCU. Please visit the links below for more info! 1. 2. *When you donate, please remember to donate to the "China Album" team.
梦然 - N.A. New
汪苏泷 & BY2 - 万有引力 New
岑宁儿 F.T. 汪苏泷 - 夏至未至 听见青春 New
莫文蔚 - Empty World New
我是一只鱼 - 爱向太平洋 New
Plan a Trois
Coeur de Pirate - Plan à trois Canadian
Timber A Chill Mix
Koala Kontrol - - Sound Effects
Latin Lovers
Quincas Moreira - - Sound Effects
枫林晓 - - Sound Effects
枫林晓 - - Sound Effects
Interactive CKCU

10:39 PM, November 7th, 2021
无塘 Sugar Zero (host)
Hi @P&L 感谢您对节目的支持!Thanks for your kindly support!

10:26 AM, November 8th, 2021