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Lesson Hear
Wednesday April 24th, 2019 with mark
In A Mellow-Tron: One of the articles shared yesterday at is a nice article on the Mellotron. For the uninitiated today's lesson is an introduction to the Mellotron and also a progressive rock sampler of sorts.

Created in 1963 in England the Mellotron was modeled after the Chamberlin being a tape loop machine that runs a magnetic tape loop over a tape head to create a sound as long as the key is pressed. The Mellotron was a staple of early progressive rock scene used extensively by The Moody Blues, King Crimson, Genesis and many more
Watcher of the Skies
Genesis - Live - Atlantic
King Crimson - Lizard - E.G.
Sad Rain
Anekdoten - Vemod - Arcàngelo
-- set break --
Kung Bore
Anglagard - Hybris - Mellotronen
Apoteosi del Mistero
Morte Macabre - Symphonic Holocaust - Mellotronen
Histoires Sans Paroles
Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin d'une Cinquième Saison - Columbia Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Matthew Crosier (host)
Fabulous show!

10:37 AM, April 24th, 2019