After Hours
Sunday October 23rd, 2016 with O'shea Adagio
How Do You Keep The Music Playing? (Funding Drive Week #1)
No playlist this morning due to the Annual Funding Drive. Hoping you will do what you can.... dig in your pockets, under the couch cushions... to find some money to donate to CKCU thru After Hours. Please call 613.520.2528 between 12:01am and 2am to make your pledge.
There are no tracks in this playlist.
Thank you for tuning in to After Hours. Always nice to have you along on these early Sunday mornings. I hope you are also in a giving mood for After Hours first funding drive ever. Hope to hear from you this morning. 613.520-2528 to pledge your support for this show and this station. :-)
12:07 AM, October 23rd, 2016