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The Filibuster
Monday February 3rd, 2020 with Brendan McLoughlin and Jonathan Falcone
We sit down with media consultant and executive trainer Barry McLoughlin to discuss the optics of several curent affairs issues.

Impeachment Fallout, Iowa Caucus'; who will come out alive from today? Discussion with Barry on the Conservative Party's upcoming leadership race.
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Interactive CKCU
Enjoying today's conversation. Lot's to unpack in these unpredictable times. After hearing his voice for the first time, I think Barry should narrate a Spider-Man cartoon :P

9:31 AM, February 3rd, 2020
Sanders is Trump’s worst nightmare, a real populist with clear programs and massive support. The truth is, the establishment Democrats would rather have Trump over a Sander’s presidency.

9:34 AM, February 3rd, 2020
The super delgates do not vote until the 2nd ballot.

9:38 AM, February 3rd, 2020